A Fast and Effective Cardio Alternative – The M 100

Try out this great super effective cardio workout if you’re tired your current cardio routine. It only takes about 5 minutes!

  • Squat thrust — 10 reps
  • Mountain Climber — 10 reps (counting 1-2-3-ONE-1-2-3-TWO)
  • Squat Jump — 10 reps

Keep repeating the sets until your total combined reps count is 100.

The 300 Workout Challenge from the Movie

Up for a challenge? Want to get fit like the actors from the 300 movie? Try out this crazy routine and see how well you can perform:

  • Pullups – 25 reps
  • Deadlifts with 135lbs – 50 reps
  • Pushups – 50 reps
  • 24-inch Box jumps – 50 reps
  • Floor wipers – 50 reps
  • Single-arm Clean-and-Press with 36lbs Kettlebell – 50 reps
  • Pullups – 25 reps

If you can’t do the whole set keep doing as many sets untill you reach the outlined reps.

Top Fitness Tips

  1. When strength training move very slowly up and down. This helps you gain muscle mass and prevent injury due to good form.
  2. Workout exercises that target the same muscle group together.
  3. Eat eggs or oatmeal for breakfast, to avoid hunger later in the day.
  4. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  5. Do different exercises on different days. Your muscles need rest, if you do the same exercises everyday they will adjust to the work outs and you won’t be seeing the results you expect.
  6. Eat high fiber foods like fruits and vegetables. Fiber is the best way to get full for the lowest calorie count.
  7. Eat whole grains. They digest slower and keep you full for longer periods of time.
  8. Avoid junk food. For a funny video on the problems with junk food check out: httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66boOY4xXGU
  9. Don’t drink calories.
  10. Eat snacks between meals.
  11. Working out at home is a lot easier if you’re too lazy to go to the gym. It is also a lot cheaper.

The Ultimate Full Body Workout Routine: Part 3 – Strength Training

This post is part 3 of the The Ultimate Full Body Workout Routine.
All the exercises here can be done with the Complete Home Gym for Under $100.


Pull ups:
Military Presses:
Lateral Raises:


Calf Raises:
Swiss ball wall squats:
Dumbbell Dead-Difts:


Incline bench press using the swiss ball:
Swiss ball push ups:
Swiss ball dumbbell flies:


YTWL back exercises on the swiss ball:


Dumbbell Kick-Back:

The Ultimate Full Body Workout Routine: Part 2 – Abs + Core Exercises

This post is part 2 of the The Ultimate Full Body Workout Routine.
All the exercises here can be done with the Complete Home Gym for Under $100.
Core Exercises:
20 kettlebell swings:
hip thrusts on the swiss ball:
Plank for 50 seconds:
10 Side plank rotations on each side:
10 Leg raises on the iron gym (requires the straps):

Swiss ball exercises:

20 swiss ball myotatic crunch:
20 swiss ball back crunch:
20 swiss ball side crunches:
30 swiss ball russian twists:
Super Man on the swiss ball for 30 seconds:
20 swiss ball jack knives:

Ab exercises:

20 plain crunches with legs on the swiss ball:
20 V situps:
10 reverse crunches:
50 bicycle crunches:

The Ultimate Full Body Workout Routine

After reading books and articles on proper exercises that workout your body entire I believe I have come up with the ultimate routine:

All the exercises here can be done with the Complete Home Gym for Under $100.
I use cardio to kill two birds with one stone: Cardio in and of itself and a full body warm up. Jogging around your neighborhood for 15-20 minutes should be enough.
Regarding stretching there is a lot of controversy of whether you should do it before or after you work out. To avoid any issues I simple don’t do any stretches on Day 1 and Day 3 and simply stretch my entire body with yoga on Day 2. I found the P90x version masculine enough for those of you who feel that yoga is too feminine. I can finally reach my toes!
Check out this page for a complete list of yoga poses if you do not feel like purchasing the dvds: http://www.sheerbalance.com/brettsblog/p90x-yoga-poses-tony-horton/

The Outline

Day 1 – Cardio + Abs/Core

15-20 min cardio

Core Excercises

  • 20 kettlebell swings
  • hip thrusts on the swiss ball
  • Plank for 50 seconds
  • 10 Side plank rotations on each side
  • 10 Leg raises on the iron gym (requires the straps)

Swiss ball exercises

  • 20 swiss ball myotatic crunch
  • 20 swiss ball back crunch
  • 20 swiss ball side crunches
  • 30 swiss ball russian twists
  • Super Man on the swiss ball for 30 seconds
    20 swiss ball jack knives

Ab exercises

  • 20 plain crunches with legs on the swiss ball
  • 20 V situps
  • 10 reverse crunches
  • 50 bicycle crunches

It might look like a lot but each set of repetitions takes under 1 minute or less so one complete round takes about 20 minutes if you don’t rest in between reps.

Day 2 – Yoga from the P90x series

Day 3 – Cardio + Strength Training


  • Pull ups
  • Military Presses
  • Lateral Raises


  • Calf Raises
  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Swiss ball wall squats
  • Dumbbell Dead-Difts


  • Pushups
  • Incline bench press using the swiss ball
  • Swiss ball push ups
  • Swiss ball dumbbell flies


  • Rows
  • YTWL back exercises on the swiss ball


  • Dumbbell Kick-Back
  • Curls
  • Dips

For videos of the above exercises check out part 2 and part 3.
There you have it!

The Perfect Diet/Meal Plan – 3 Meals/3 Snacks

We all struggle with our food intake to some extent. For those that need help I suggest you try the following diet. After trying different things I came up with a maintainable diet that is easy to keep and works great with a workout schedule:
The idea is simple 3 Meals with 3 snacks in between.

  • 8am: Oatmeal, add eggs on alternating days.
  • 10am: Snack
  • 12pm: Salad
  • 2:30pm: Snack
  • 5pm: A dinner of your choice, but try to keep it healthy.
  • 7pm: Snack

For snacks I have 1 or 2 servings of  fruit, vegetable, yogurt, or nuts.
You may swap the salad with dinner on days where your workout is closer to lunch time.
Be sure to eat slowly and enjoy your food, that way you will stay full for longer periods of time. Any amount of coffee, tea, or water can be had during the day.
Other than that you should stick to the diet unless you begin to starve. In that case you should have another snack since starving is unhealthy and push the next meal forward by an hour or 2. But this should be rare. No sweets/junk food, except once a week.
The point of this diet is to be aware of what you eat and how often. Sometimes we just eat out of boredom, by sticking to a schedule this problem may be mitigated. I also try to eat only natural foods that haven’t been processed much.
There you have it, I hope that you can benefit from this diet just as I have. Please comment on your progress.