Wiley Copyright Transfer Agreement

Fair dealing or fair dealing (depending on the country whose laws apply) allows the use of a copyrighted work for the purpose of criticism or revision. This also applies to citations that are part of book reviews and other critical documents. Permission to quote is not required in such cases unless the excerpts are essential and are really necessary for review or criticism purposes. For works of shorter duration, such as songs. B, permission to reuse shorter extracts may be required. All sources – at least the title and the author – must be taken into account in order to be treated fairly. These agreements replace previous versions. Authors who signed contract forms before January 1, 2014 may continue to archive their articles as described in Wiley`s self-archiving policy. Authors of Wiley journals can use their paper in a variety of ways, including in publications of their own work and course sets at their institution. Authors` reuse rights vary from journal to journal. Please refer to the copyright form you have signed or need to sign to verify the applicable reuse rights. With the manuscript, authors must submit a complete copy of the copyright transfer agreement, signed and digitized by all authors. Obtaining copyright for interviews: If the recording of an informal conversation you had with a particular interviewee appears in a message, there is no problem with copyright.

However, copyright may fall on the interviewee for formal interviews where you record the subject`s conversation on a tape recorder or textually. It is therefore necessary for the respondent to sign the agreement. In some cases, copyright in interviews is shared jointly between the interviewer and the interviewee if the recorded conversation is a mutual exchange between the two. In such cases, both parties should sign the agreement.