My New Routine & Diet


Day 1 (30-45 min cardio)
Just pick up something fun like cycling, running, or some sort of team sport.
Day 2 (Push Day – Chest, Triceps, Shoulders)

  1. 5 min chest & shoulder warm up
  2. 3 x 20 pushups
  3. 3 x 15 dumbbell flies
  4. 3 x 10 incline push ups (from chair)
  5. 3 x 20 dips
  6. 3 x 15 skull crushers
  7. 3 x 10 military press
  8. 3 x 10 lateral raise
  9. 3 x 10 front raises
  10. Cool down by statically stretching all muscles worked this day for at least 30 seconds.

Day 3 (Legs & Abs–super set–no rest between sets)

  1. 5 min legs & abs warm up–bicycles are a good option.
  2. 3 x 20 squats (with dumbbells on shoulders)
  3. 3 x 10 leg raises
  4. 3 x 15 leg curls on the swiss ball
  5. 3 x 20 crunch on swiss ball
  6. 3 x 20 lunges (with hanging dumbbells)
  7. 3 x 20 side crunch (both sides)
  8. 3 x 20 calf raises
  9. 3 x 20 jackknives on swissball
  10. Cool down by statically stretching all muscles worked this day for at least 30 seconds.

Day 4 (Pulling Day – Back, Biceps, Lats)

  1. 5 min back bicep lats warm up.
  2. 3 x 10 pull ups
  3. 3 x 10 isolated curls
  4. 3 x 20 shrugs
  5. 3 x 10 rear deltoid raises
  6. 3 x 20 rows
  7. 3 x 20 dead lifts
  8. 3 x 20 back extension
  9. 1 x 10 pull ups (optional)
  10. Cool down by statically stretching all muscles worked this day for at least 30 seconds.

Day 5: Rest
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Repeat from Day 1



Breakfast: Three eggs (boiled or fried), 1 bowl of oatmeal with milk and cinnamon and 1 cup of black tea.
Lunch: Half a salad, a portion of complex carbs (brown rice, whole wheat bread, sweet potato, etc), a good portion of protein and one cup of black tea.
Afteroon Snack: 1-3 servings of fruit, yogurt or nuts.
Dinner: Half a salad, a portion of complex carbs (brown rice, whole wheat bread, sweet potato, etc), a good portion of protein and one cup of black tea.
Evening Snack: 1-3 servings of fruit, yogurt or nuts.


  1. Find the heaviest dumbbell you can lift 10 times with good form. You can get cheap ones on Craigslist.
  2. If the workout is not followed by a meal, make sure to replenish your energy with 1 fruit and a yogurt or some other form of fast digesting protein.
  3. Train yourself to eat slowly and stop eating a soon as you are no longer hungry–even if there is food remaining on your plate. When creating portions for yourself opt for less (but enough to satisfy), and add more if you’re still hungry. Once there’s more food on your plate it’s hard to stop.
  4. Keep a water bottle at your desk. I refill mine about 4-5 times a day. It’s especially important to stay hydrated during your workout. I drink about 3 cups per workout.
  5. And finally, everything in moderation, including moderation.