Activate Azure Subscription Enterprise Agreement

By default, when you create a subscription, the type of offer you have chosen will be used. It is recommended that you change the subscription name to a name that will allow you to easily track the subscription. Yes. All Azure subscriptions for which you have an account will be converted in your Enterprise Agreement. Included are subscriptions that use monthly credits such as Visual Studio, AzurePass, MPN, BizSpark and more. You lose monthly credits when converting such subscriptions. As of August 1, 2019, new opt-out forms for Azure enterprise customers will not be accepted. Instead, all registrations go for an indefinite extended period. If you want to end the use of Azure services, close your subscription in the Azure portal. Or your partner can file a request for termination. For clients with government agreement types, there is no change. In principle, there are two ways to integrate PAYG subscriptions into an existing enterprise agreement.

Either you can move the Azure account with all assigned subscriptions, or the individual subscriptions. After being added to a registration account assigned to an account owner, Azure uses the account-to-account registration relationship to determine where the subscription fee should be charged. All subscriptions created under the account are billed at the EA enrollment in which the account is located. To create subscriptions, you must pass values for the registration account and user principles that own the subscription. Yes, you can transfer ownership of the subscription to another account. For example, if account A has three subscriptions, the company administrator can transfer one subscription to account B, one to account C, and one to account D. Or you can transfer all subscriptions to account E. It may take time before the new subscription is created. After a few minutes, update the subscription extension to remove the latest list of subscriptions.

Active: The record is active and accounts and subscriptions can be created in the Azure Enterprise portal. The registration remains active until the end date of the company agreement. . . .